Thursday, May 18, 2023

Lucid Advice - Robert Waggoner - Lucid Dreaming - Gateway to the Inner Self

Here's a page for Robert Waggoner, one of the most successful lucid dreamers and authors. Oneironautics (/əneɪroʊˈnɔːtɪks/) refers to the ability to travel within a dream on a conscious basis. Such a traveler in a dream may be called an oneironaut, which is what Robert is. 

Here is the link to his page: Lucid Advice - Robert Waggoner <-----Click on this for the link

Warrior of Dreams

Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Lucidity Institute - Stephen LaBerge

Here are a couple links to The Lucidity Institute and Stephen LaBerge. He is a pioneer in the field of lucid dreaming. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming  is a book by LaBerge that is one of the best books in regards to lucid dreaming and how to induce lucid dreams. Tons of information in that book, let alone Stephen's other books and information on-line. Enjoy!

The Lucidity Institute  <----------------Click on the bold for the link

The Lucidity Institute on Facebook <-------------Click on the bold for the link

Warrior of Dreams

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Lucid Dreaming: Gates to Your Other Self

Here is a page with some great lucid dreaming information. Don't know how or where I found this page, but seems to tie in nicely with the other Carlos Castaneda information on this Warrior of Dreams blog. Enjoy!

Lucid Dreaming: Gates to Your Other Self     <-------Click on the bold link

Warrior of Dreams 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Robert Monroe Article

Here is an article I've always enjoyed about Robert Monroe and when his latest book, Far Journeys, was about to be released. 

The Journey of Robert Monroe: From Out of Body Explorer to Consciousness Pioneer       <------Click on the bold.

Warrior of Dreams 

Monday, May 1, 2023

World of Lucid Dreaming - WOLD


Here are a couple links to a couple great sites in regards to lucid dreaming.

World of Lucid Dreaming <-----------CLICK ON THE BOLD FOR THE LINKS

World of Lucid Dreaming on Facebook

Warrior of Dreams