Saturday, December 31, 2022

Lucid Dreaming In Church

Lucid dreaming and driving last night (which is in and of itself and interesting experience,) I passed a local Christian church that's just a couple of miles from home. I noticed a large banner they had strung out in the landscaping listing the days and times of services. I looked at the time on the truck dashboard and noticed that it was just two minutes until the next service. I'm not a religious man, yet thought, 'what the hell?' and decided to flip a U-turn and head into the service.

I made sure no on-coming traffic was heading my way and flipped a huge U-turn across four lanes of road. As I was lucid Dreaming it was amazing how much I 'felt' in regards to driving, the shift in weight as I turned the truck, etc., etc. I whipped into the church parking lot and found a parking space way in the back. (It's a popular place!) I got out of the truck quickly and jogged up to the entrance. I was late!

As I entered the lobby and then the main worship area, the nave I think it's called, I was a bit startled to see that it was completely deserted. Empty! Where was everyone? The parking lot was full of vehicles! I'm not shy, and since I made the choice to attend, I went straight to the front and sat down in the front row to see what was going on and get a bird’s eye view. Once I got settled in, this seemed to be a signal, THEN the people began flooding in. I sat and 'people watched' for at least a good half hour in 'dream time'. I kept checking my phone to see the time, and it seemed as accurate as 'waking time'. 

Then the Minister came out to deliver his sermon. He talked and talked about which I've now forgotten, some section of the Bible he'd chosen to discuss. There was no standing or singing like I'd seen in other churches. Just lecture. I quickly drew bored of this and went back to people watching. I scanned the entire audience, then decided to switch from looking to 'seeing.' There was not an energy generating being in the whole crowd! All phantoms coming to confess their sins. At this I chuckled, and went back to listening to the preacher.

I then decided to 'see' the Minister and received a shock; he was an IOB (Inorganic being)! He had a particular energy to him that both swirled and moved in waves. The colors were a rich blue moving into an intense orange. At one point I became a bit disturbed; wondering why is this IOB lecturing a bunch of phantoms? I became more and more restless, finally culminating in me voicing my intent, shouting out, "Show me your mask!" straight at the preacher. The entire scene changed into what I can only describe as Jesus or God as the preacher, with the entire background filled with a plethora of soft, soothing colors. The entire audience roared with approval. I could certainly 'feel' the appeal. I felt good, content. Yet, I knew this was only a part of the appeal...And I was still dreaming. 

After everyone calmed down, the audience, the preacher/Jesus/God-like figure continued on with his Sermon. Once again, after several minutes of his 'preaching,' I became bored and figured I'd try another voicing of intent. I then bellowed out, "Show me your other mask!" As quickly as the first change occurred this one did as well. It's as if the old, nice, scene melted away into a typical scene of 'hell.' It was dark black with a hue of red. The preacher turned into some devilish creature with a body made of black and red eyes. This caused unrest and chaos among the phantom/attendees. It's as if panic struck every single attendee, as if someone had shouted, "Fire!" In the blink of an eye everyone had departed leaving me sitting in my pew once again gazing up at the preacher/lucifer.

We stared at each other for several minutes. My Dreaming attention was still strong, yet I knew that this IOB's attentive capacity was stronger. I knew I needed to do something...but what? The IOB 'spoke' first, asking, "Would you like to see my other masks?" I smiled and replied, "No thank you; I'm already familiar with all the illusions you have, all the games you play." 'It' just stared back at me, waiting. I felt as if we were in a duel. Whose attention would falter first? I waited for what seemed to be just the right moment then bellowed out again, straight at this IOB with unbending intent, "Show me THE TRUTH!"

Everything dissolved, myself included. I felt I was floating within infinity. There was no 'me' per se', just a point of awareness/consciousness. I knew I was just floating along, or within, the dark sea of awareness that Carlos Castaneda described in his books. I 'felt' neither good nor bad, just whole, residing in God-Mind. There was nothing to do, no- where to go. It's as if I was truly experiencing 'living in the moment' that so many speak of in waking.

I have no reference of 'time' spent in this state, other than when I checked my watch as mentioned above, yet at a certain point I had a familiar feeling from far way. I ignored it at first, yet it persisted. At one point, I decided to 'follow it' and see what this ... sensation? was. I had moved back within my physical body, yet still lucid dreaming. I knew what this sensation was; I had to go pee! I woke myself up, went to the bathroom, and decided to start my day.

As I drove to work today and passed the Christian church, I couldn't help but smile. One of these days I'm going to 'act out' exactly what occurred in Dreaming.

One of these days...


Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Dreamer and The Dream

Nonresistance is the key to the greatest power in the universe.  Through it, consciousness (Spirit) is freed from its imprisonment in form.  Inner nonresistance to form – whatever is or happens – is a denial of the absolute reality of form. What? How does that work?

Resistance makes the world and the things of the world appear more real, more solid, and more lasting than they are, including your own form identity, the ego.  It endows the world and the ego with a heaviness and an absolute importance that makes you take yourself and the world very seriously. The play of form is then misperceived as a struggle for survival, and when that is your perception, it becomes your reality.  

The many things that happen, the many forms that life takes on, are of an ephemeral nature.  They are all fleeting.  Things, bodies and egos, events, situations, thoughts, emotions, desires, ambitions, fears, drama... they come, pretend to be all important, and before you know it, they are gone, dissolved into the nothingness out of which they came.  Were they ever real?  Were they ever more than a Dream, the Dream of form?  

When we wake up in the morning, the night's Dream dissolves, and we say, “Oh, it was only a dream. It wasn't real.”  But something in the Dream must have been real otherwise it could not be.  When death approaches, we may look back on our life and wonder if it was just another dream.  Even now you may look back on last year's vacation or yesterday's drama and see that it is very similar to last night's dream.  

There is the Dream, and there is the dreamer of the Dream. The Dream is a short-lived play of forms.  It is the world – relatively real but not absolutely real.  Then there is the dreamer, the absolute reality in which the forms come and go.  The dreamer is not the person.  The person is part of the Dream.  The dreamer is the substratum, in which the Dream appears, that which makes the dream possible.  It is the absolute behind the relative, the timeless behind time, the consciousness in and behind form.  The dreamer is consciousness itself – who you are.  

To awaken within the Dream is our purpose now. When we are awake within the Dream, the ego created earth drama comes to an end and a more benign and wondrous Dream arises.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Where Am I Going To Put It?

Realizations from Dreaming on self importance and person history and how they hold me back from the totality of self. 

Where am I going to put it?

I remember...

I remember the nightmare.

At the end, surrounded by monsters, I could smell my own body rotting.

I couldn't get out of bed. My teeth ached unbearably.

They cut the power in my house because we had no money to pay for electricity.

My son died.

Awareness into the wind.

I took it back, as only I can use it for freedom, because it was pure.

I remember the nightmare. I fought demons, and furious beasts, and monsters.

I fought them because my pockets were filled with my own stupidity, with the currency of hell, with the keys to ignorance.

I had my pockets filled with judgments, with rush, with sorrow and worries. With hysteria and schizophrenia.

My pockets were full of ME.

But I would give my life to see your eyes glow with this infinite joy.

Don't you just see them? Standing there in line, all the way back to times still to come. Their eyes glow with fierce, unending joy.


Thousands of them.

Out there.

Where are you?

What do you call hell?


What's life? Life, it's one flapping of a butterfly's wings. It's this here and this now.

Who's going to live forever?

I've seen a room full of tigers moving in perfect synchronicity. Silent tiger’s with butterfly wings.

I've seen them roar their way out of hell and tear its sordid walls down with the powerful silence of this roar.

They roar in unison, as one.

And they fly as one.

THE Warrior.

Those eyes... those eyes. Those smiles, those claws ripping the wind.

The stars are in a war for freedom.

Where am I going to put all this joy?

Not even my tears will hold it.

I'm going to put it in my pockets, because they are empty now.


Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Silver Bullet Talk

It is tradition that with the coming of a New Year we create in our minds a cross-road of introspection between the past and the future.  

It is therefore common that we reflect upon the unaccomplished resolutions to which we committed last year, and without greater self-analysis call ourselves 'flakey' and 'undisciplined' and continue to declare new resolutions for the following year, resolutions that will similarly remain unattained.  

It seems we can thus pass an entire lifetime without putting in the work to obtain more lucid dreams, without learning the new ‘latest and greatest’ we wish to learn, without playing the instrument of our dreams, without spending more time with our families, etc., etc.

As an existential strategist, father and friend I often find myself engaging individuals who, year after year, have seen their lives go by and (now desperate) wish me (or anyone) to rescue them with a few chosen words of solace or inspiration.  Now-a-days I dare not post about any ‘personal’ matters due to the fact that I’m asked a ton of questions looking for instant solutions. This is frequently when I offer my ‘Silver Bullet’ talk, which goes something like this: 

The European Medieval tradition relates that a gunshot with a silver bullet is the most certain and reliable method of killing a lycanthrope, that is, a 'werewolf,' that diabolic figure that for centuries terrorized the existence of a superstitious people who believed in supernatural beings and therefore in magical solutions that would end the same. 

For most of us the days have passed in which we feared werewolves, placed gargoyles on our rooftops to ward off evil spirits, and lined the entrances of our homes with rings of garlic to fend off vampires.  Nonetheless, the concept of a 'silver bullet' as a metaphor for a quick, effective, and effortless solution to a challenging and resilient problem remains and persists.   

Logically the expression is often applied with skepticism, sarcasm, and irony:  although it is common that problems manifest that are as gloomy and overwhelming as werewolves,' rarely do they present with 'silver bullets' as solutions. 

Nevertheless, in today's world this is what people seek most: an immediate solution with a minimum amount of inconvenience.  

We want to lucid dream and have out of body experiences, yet do next to nothing to attain them.

We want to lose weight but continue eating sweets, drinking beer, ingesting fats, and only exercising from the couch to the bed, from the bed to the table, from the table to the car, from the car to the office, and from the office to the couch.  

We want our relationships with our significant others to improve, but without self-compromise and only as a result of indicating the improprieties and defects our partner exhibits as prerequisites to our relational bliss.  

We want our youth to stop taking drugs, but without our having to stop consuming alcohol or nicotine, which constitute, by far, the two drugs that cause the most social and economic damage.  

We want our societies to be safer, cleaner, more prosperous, even more beautiful, but we continue to delegate our civic duty to a class of professional politicians who year after year deceive us with words only to later disappoint us with deeds.  

We want to understand the self, personal power, ego, personal history and self importance, yet provide only a fleeting ‘goings over’ of attention to The Work that assists in this understanding.  

In short: We want the silver bullet that kills the 'werewolves' of our existence and that changes our lives, our relationships, and our circumstances but without the effort of changing our own perspectives, attitudes, and behaviors. 

During these days of festivities, celebrations, promises and reflections, take a few moments to contemplate upon your lives, your families, your neighborhoods, your societies and countries, and if you find defects and problems therein, think about the following:  

If you are not part of the solution you are the problem; and when you search for 'silver bullets' to solve your problems, know that you do not have to look beyond yourself to find the werewolves that terrorize your own existence. 

Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous Holiday Season and New Year, 


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

What is an Out of Body Experience?

In this post I will do my best to define what an out of body experience is; commonly known as an OBE or an OOBE. 


What is Astral Projection?

In this post I will do my best to explain what astral projection is.


What is Astral Travel?

In this post I will do my best to define what astral travel is. 


What is Lucid Dreaming?

I’m often asked, “What is lucid dreaming?” 

The definition is very simple: Lucid dreaming is being aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. That's it. No more, no less. This is my definition. I don’t consider dream control, or controlling one’s dreams, as a requirement for ‘being lucid.’ Just being aware that you are dreaming WHEN YOU ARE DREAMING is enough. (Not as easy as it sounds, but with practice, you will understand this.) 

Yes, you must be ‘in some form of control’ over yourself and the dream environment to be aware that you are dreaming, but this is different than ‘controlling your dreams.’ Think of yourself and the world when you are awake. How much of it are you ‘controlling’ to just be aware that you are awake and in this waking world? Not much, and this is the same for being aware you are dreaming but not really 'controlling' the dream. Get it? I’m sure we are all ‘controlling’ our own ‘world,’ but it’s a subtle control, and that’s what I’m referring to as controlling your dreams in the beginning phases of lucid dreaming. Just be aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming! 

Here is another answer to, “what is lucid dreaming?”: Lucid dreaming is the ability to consciously observe your dreams. (Please note that you can passively observe your dreaming or actively observe your dreams, and even participate in them, but that's another topic for another post.) Having consciousness within the dream-state transforms it into a living alternate reality - where everything you see, hear, feel, taste and even smell can be as authentic as real life. 

So, the basic definition of a lucid dream is this: heightened awareness during dreams. The phrases ‘lucid dreams’ or ‘conscious dreams’ are used interchangeably on many sites. They may all mean the same thing, so pay attention. Work on the 'dream control' slowly and gently as it takes time to get the hang of it, just as when you were a baby 'getting the hang of' waking life.  

Many beginners assume that lucid dreaming must equal full dream control, but this is a major misconception. Lucid dreaming only means to have consciousness within the dream state. This can imply dream control, or it can imply simply observing the dream world with the clarity of thought enabled by your heightened awareness. Both are very appealing propositions to participate in.

In short, lucid dreaming means that you are conscious of the fact that you are dreaming while you are in a dream. This allows you to consciously interact and (possibly) control the dream for recreational or exploratory purposes.

Being in a lucid dream is exactly like being awake – as you are right now. Except in reality, you are asleep in your bed. While non-lucid dreams often feel like a vague recollection of a movie you’ve seen - dreams seem so real that you just “play along” without questioning the state you are really in. A lucid dream lets you influence and choose what you are going to do, not to mention having a ton of fun!

Once again, lucid dreaming is simply being aware that you are dreaming. With enough experience, you can increase control over your dreams, anything from flying to creating people and places, and even changing into animals. Having a lucid dream is like being the director of your own play! 

Please keep this in mind: Sometimes you dream that you fall asleep and have a lucid dream! This is often thought of as a sign that you will have a proper lucid dream soon, as your mind is thinking a lot about lucid dreams. 

Here are a few tips to get an idea if you are lucid while dreaming or not. 

Signs you were lucid: 

Doing a reality check which gave a positive result. I will explain what 'reality checks' are in a different post.

Remarks to dream characters that you are dreaming.

Attempting to stabilize the dream.

Attempting to fly, walk through mirrors, etc. immediately after realizing you are dreaming.

Waking up as soon as you realize that you are dreaming.

Signs you are not lucid dreaming:

Treating dream characters as you would real people.

Having an unusually poor recall for that dream after you became lucid.

Not recognizing illogical parts of the dream as a dream.

Doing a reality check which gave a negative result.

And, last but not least, a comment from a member of our lucid dreaming group in regards to if you are lucid dreaming or not: 

“Wondering if you are lucid dreaming or not is similar to having an orgasm...or not. If you are having one, or have had one, you’ll know it. If not, you won’t.” 

LOL! I mean, if that doesn't explain it, nothing will! When you have a lucid dream, I'm quite sure, if you have any form of dream recall, you will KNOW you had a lucid dream. It's as simple as that. 

...and besides, these are all only words. Practice the steps to lucid dreaming and find out for yourself! 


P.S. – As I have more time to write I may come back and add to this post. It’s a very simple concept, so please think on this a bit and start practicing!

Warrior of Dreams Blog


My first post here on the new Warrior of Dreams blog! 

What is this blog about?

Lucid Dreaming - Astral Travel - Astral Projection - Out of Body Experiences - Nahual Dreaming  - Dreaming Awake - and anything else similar to and or relating to these experiences. In the terms of Carlos Castaneda, any shifts or movements of the assemblage point. I will get to explaining what the assemblage point (AP) is in a different post. 

I will post my own experiences here. I will also post about how to obtain these states to the best of my ability. I will also attempt to share others experiences here as well. I will list information and links to their websites, books, blogs, etc. This is by no means just for 'me' and my ramblings.  

I hope this helps explain what the Warrior of Dreams blog is all about! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me in the contact boxes all over this blog. I will also put my email at the bottom of the posts. 

Enrique -